Authorities in the US are warning that drugs flushed down the toilets are in danger of creating 'meth-gators' (alligators high on meth!) but can we be smug here in the UK? We often warn of the risks of putting wet wipes and fats into the drains but when almost half of adults in the UK take some kind of prescription medication, should we be careful about how we dispose of our medications here too?
Keeping your pipes flowing and drains clear of debris is always important but it’s especially so when the weather is very cold. Blocked drains cause water to back up. If it then freezes, it expands so not only would this block the pipe, it could cause pipes to burst or crack. These are all useful things to do to keep your drains flowing properly and avoid them clogging up in freezing weather.
As the issue of so-called 'flushable' wipes causing major issues with drain blockages hits the media again, we revisit the financial and environmental cost of flushing these down the toilet.
If you have young children you will no doubt be aware of the Orbeez phenomenon. They’re great fun to pay with in water troughs, in foot spas and even used decoratively in glass vases but can be a major problem if put down the sink or toilet in their original form.
We all know that gravity determines that water naturally flows down so how do you resolve a blockage in a pipe that runs vertically for 2 metres? That was the dilemma for one customer who had a blockage so severe that her bath had back filled with sewage!
Drains that get blocked can cause terrible damage and be very unpleasant to deal with. These are the 4 main reasons drains can get blocked plus what you can do about them. We also looking at checking drains using correlator technology and unblocking drains using a high pressure water jetter.
A blocked drain needs resolving quickly but how do you know when it's your responsibility or your water provider's? We explain the difference plus how to avoid a blockage in the first place.
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