We have been providing updates since last week on how we're managing the risks of COVID-19 while balancing it with the practical needs of our customers. All of the strategies outlined in our posts of 17/03/20 and 18/03/20 still apply but we have a couple of updates, as the government guidelines have changed:
If we could request that customers bear with us as we make this transition and understand our reasons for delaying non-emergency jobs (don't worry about invalidating boiler warranties through lack of timely service - we're sure that manufacturers will be flexible with this given the circumstances).
We are taking the health and safety of both staff and customers very seriously and adhering to government guidelines as they develop. We also acknowledge that the service we provide is really important and that people will continue to need help when their boiler breaks down or they experience a leak and we will do all we can to assist. Please just be patient as additional strain is placed on our staff who are doing their very best under great pressure.
Please keep checking the site as we will post new developments as and when they happen.
Thank you, the Plumbcare.com team
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